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Catégorie : Typos
Toutes les typos, typographes & fonderies que j’aime…
ドットコロン – フォント: Route 159
マルチプラットフォームでご利用頂ける、OpenTypeフォント「Route 159」のダウンロードページです。
Source : ドットコロン – フォント: Route 159
Malabar — Webfont — TypeOff.
Malabar: a sturdy oldstyle face
Source : Malabar — Webfont — TypeOff.
bould | atipo foundry
Bould, a humanist & tech sans serif typeface by atipo®. Download regular & italic weights for free!!
Source : bould | atipo foundry
Google Fonts : Popular Alternatives
A three part series in which we take a closer look at Google Fonts.
Source : Google Fonts Part 2: Popular Alternatives | Made by Sidecar | By designers. For designers.
Pour trouver une typo « alternative » sur Google Fonts
Google Web Fonts Typographic Project
Une illustration des variations de typos, très visuelle…
Avara – VTF
Avara is a libre transitional serif curveless type family. The placement of its nodes is exclusively based on a rough square grid. The original reason of this design choice was to facilitate collaboration on the font, and it now results in the radical and highly constrained shapes of this type famil…
Source : Avara – VTF
Florian Karsten | FK Grotesk
3 weights, 7 styles (Regular, Italic, Medium, Medium Italic, Bold, Bold Italic, Monospaced), Latin Extended-A
Source : Florian Karsten | FK Grotesk
Faune, Alice Savoie / Cnap
Un caractère typographique créé par Alice Savoie. Une série d’illustrations originales par Marine Rivoal. Une commande du Centre national des arts plastiques. En partenariat avec le Groupe Imprimerie Nationale.
Source : Faune, Alice Savoie / Cnap
Black[Foundry] | The Type+Tech® company
Identity fonts. Global fonts. Seamless fonts. We make fonts that perform.
This collection aims at giving visibility to libre fonts drawn by womxn designers, who are often underrepresented in the traditionally conservative field of typography. These fonts are shared under Free, Libre and Open Source licenses, which allow anyone to use them, modify their design, contribute more glyphs or styles to their non-nuclear families, build upon them and redistribute them further.
Works of french graphic designer and type designer Adrien Midzic