Étiquette : espon

  • Wasted Ink in the Epson 9900 – YouTube

    Wasted Ink in the Epson 9900 – YouTube

    « When ink “runs too low,” the Epson 9900 will kindly inform you that there is only 1% of ink left, that it can no longer properly clean the cartridge, and that you must change cartridges.

    Bellevue Fine Art took those “empty” cartridges, took them apart, and poured out the ink to see how much was left.

    They found that, on average, a 700 ml cartridge still contains about 100ml of ink when you’re forced to replace it. Many times they contain 150 ml or more. For a 350 ml cartridge, 60-80 ml of ink was left.

    That’s about 15-20% of the ink remaining — definitely not 1%. »

    …wouaaah ! RESPECT ! Perdre 100 à  150 ml PAR CARTOUCHE, merci Epson pour ce GASPILLAGE ! Bon c’est à peine 15-20% du prix de la cartouche qui part aux égouts…encore une raison supplémentaire d’AIMER notre Canon IPF 8400!

    article vu sur Petapixel : http://petapixel.com/2015/09/11/this-is-how-much-ink-the-epson-9900-printer-wastes/